To access the area you will need to park at the Community Center parking lot and walk up the access road to the top of the dam. From there you can walk across the top of the dam or walk along the north shore. Along the north shore (the portion of th…

To access the area you will need to park at the Community Center parking lot and walk up the access road to the top of the dam. From there you can walk across the top of the dam or walk along the north shore. Along the north shore (the portion of the shore that parallels Linden Drive) you will see a faint trail. That trail is boundary between the property that the Water District owns and a private property owners land. Since the land between the trail and Linden is private property you must access it from the Community Center parking lot, you cannot walk down from Linden Drive. Just like you probably do not want people cutting across your property please show this land owner the same respect and do not cut across their land!